Guelph Sews for Quilts of Valour sponsored by Royal City Quilters Guild

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April 7 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

We invite members of the public to join us at the Royal Canadian Legion Br 234 in Guelph located at 57 Watson Parkway South in Guelph. We will have public sew days on the following dates:

  • Monday, October 21 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Friday, February 7  from 10 am to 4:00 pm
  • Monday, April 7 from 10 am to 4:00 pm
The Legion is located at 57 Watson Parkway South in Guelph. It is wheelchair-accessible and is served by Guelph Transit.


We welcome participation from anyone interested in supporting this cause. Of course, we welcome experienced sewists and quilters (including longarm, mid-arm and domestic machines). We also welcome participation from anyone willing to help organize the day by registering participants, tracking kits, using an iron and ironing board, and other miscellaneous tasks.  If you would like to help, we will do our best to find a meaningful job for you to do!


  • Block kits that include fabric and instructions to make a variety of 9-inch quilt blocks requiring basic to intermediate skills. 
  • Quilt kits that include fabric and instructions to make a variety of appropriately-sized quilt tops. Some kits are suitable for those with basic skills and others are more challenging.
  • Batting and backing fabric to turn a completed top into a finished quilt. 
  • A social day of sewing fun with other enthusiasts


  • Sewing machine in good working order and basic sewing supplies 
  • Neutral threads, light and dark
  • Your own lunch, snacks, and drinks you will want throughout the day. We will have a fridge for you to store your lunch. 
  • Optional: Iron and/or ironing board 
  • Optional: Long extension cord
  • Optional: Portable design wall if you have one

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