Guelph’s Eclectic Vinyl Orchestra Brings the Swing Back to Eden Mills!

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March 1 @ 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

$10 – $30

Music at the Hall is proud to present Guelph’s Eclectic Vinyl Orchestra on Saturday, March 1 at 7:30 pm at the Eden Mills Community Hall. EVO is a high energy dance band playing music from the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s.  Doors open at 7 pm.

Since 2015 the infectious power of this four-piece orchestra has been moving crowds with their upright bass, glittering saxophones, tight harmonies, polished spats, and crisp button-downs.

These guys play Etta James, Ray Charles, Little Richard, and Laverne Baker. Their styles are klezmer and swing, New York ritz, Saturday night gospel, New Orleans jazz, Philadelphia soul, Chicago southside, and St. Louis blues. They also perform several original songs. In 2017, EVO recorded the album “Last Chance to Dance.”

The Band’s stomping grounds include the Red Brick Café and Manhattan’s in Guelph, Riverfest, Hillside, Elora’s Spring Fling Dance, many venues in Southern Ontario as well as fund-raisers for important causes.

Band members include lead Stu Peterson on piano and guitar; Jim Duffield, horn virtuoso playing a number of different saxophones, clarinet, even piccolo; Kerry Mullen grooving on drums; and Matty Cooper, the boogie bass-man.

EVO website:

Music at the Hall programs concerts and events to keep the village of Eden Mills hopping, and to raise funds for Community Hall operations. The heritage Hall is known for its excellent acoustics and dance floor. The Hall is also proud to be carbon neutral!

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