By: Brenda Lewis, Concert Promotions Coordinator, Guelph Chamber Choir / Lewis Media Relations
The Guelph Chamber Choir (GCC) is pleased to announce SingOUT 2020-2021, a new season celebrating forty years of choral excellence. “Covid-19 has made us shift tactics, but even a pandemic can’t stop the music,” says artistic director Dr. Charlene Pauls.
Starting This Week, Celebrate GCC’S Season 40 at The Museum
An exciting new exhibition opens at Guelph Civic Museum showcasing highlights of the choir’s past forty years, and sets the stage for the next forty. Titled “Resonance: Guelph Chamber Choir at 40″ the exhibition runs from Tuesday, October 27, 2020 through Sunday, March 28, 2021.
Visitors will experience soul-stirring sounds of the choir through an audio installation. The exhibition also features memorable stories from people whose lives have been touched by their involvement with GCC.
“We are thrilled that the Guelph Civic Museum is launching an exciting new interactive exhibit celebrating 40 years of the Guelph Chamber Choir making beautiful music and representing our community” exclaims Dr. Pauls. “Most of us are on our computers more than ever during this pandemic, so this exhibit is a great opportunity to enjoy an in-person event. It’s easy to book a time with the museum and come out with friends and family to share a safe, socially-distanced, non-zoom experience.”
To Plan Your Visit (Ticket Info / Make Reservations):
Of special note will be a live performance by members of Guelph Chamber Choir in January 2021 as part of the museum’s popular “Fourth Friday” series. This concert will be live-streamed for all to enjoy!
Resonance: Guelph Chamber Choir at 40. Exhibition at the Guelph Civic Museum. On now until March 28, 2021.
Photo by Sandra Pitts, Administrator, Guelph Chamber Choir
New Ways to Experience the Choir’s Music this Concert Season
Instead of its usual concert season the choir is undertaking a series of initiatives that will offer singers and audiences new ways to experience choral music. Dr. Pauls describes a few of the highlights: “Even though our concert season has been paused, the Guelph Chamber Choir is actively creating music together using new platforms. Stay tuned for upcoming GCC virtual choir releases, including one featuring Canadian superstar Soprano Mireille Asselin singing Mozart. Also, mark your calendars for a live-streamed seasonal sing-along on Sunday, December 13, where we will be joined by special guests, hear inspiring and humorous readings, and all join voices as we sing favourite carols from the comfort of home.”
As conditions allow, GCC’s SingOUT season will include mini-concerts with small vocal ensembles, singing with masks, in various locations around Guelph. The choir successfully tested the concept with several performances over the past few months. GCC also welcomes engagement opportunities to sing Happy Birthday or Anniversary for loved ones.
Guelph Chamber Choir rehearsal at GYMC pre-Covid. Photo by Sandra Pitts, Administrator, Guelph Chamber Choir
Looking Ahead to a Celebration In Spring 2021
An outdoor 40th gala celebration concert is planned for when the warm weather returns next Spring. Please stay tuned for the announcement of the date.
‘While this milestone season is not quite what we had originally planned or expected,” says Dr. Charlene Pauls, “we’re excited and energized by the new and unforeseen opportunities before us. No matter what we’re handed, the Guelph Chamber Choir will continue to bring beautiful and inspired music to our community for many years to come.”
To reflect the changes within the organization and set the stage for the next 40 years, GCC has also refreshed its brand with a new logo created by Guelph’s own Gareth Lind of Lind Design. Inspired by symbols of musical notation, the new logo is designed as a modern, simple and versatile form that expresses what GCC is all about—community, excellence, relevance and openness.
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