Goodbye and Good Luck Astero!

Guelph recently wished farewell to a valued member of our community. Astero Kalogeropoulos, the Arts and Culture Program Officer for the city of Guelph, has left to take over a new position in Waterloo as the Manager of Arts, Culture, Festivals, and Events. During her time in Guelph, Astero was instrumental in executing numerous events and initiatives to promote and enhance the arts within Guelph. Working closely with the Guelph Arts council, Astero was a part of memorable Culture Days activities like “Yarn Bombing”, a community driven event that saw up to one hundred local and international donors sending yarn squares into Guelph and installing then in St. Georges Square. Astero was also queen of Guelph Culture Map, and as a true champion of public art, a force behind many of our city’s Public Art treasures. Thank you, Astero, for all of your time and dedication to the arts community and to the city of Guelph.

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