Guelph Arts Council and University of Guelph School of Fine Art and Music Announce Fall Round of Guelph Emerging Artist Mentorship Project

Guelph, ON – July 31, 2019 – The Guelph Emerging Artist Mentorship Project is a partnership of Guelph Arts Council and the University of Guelph School of Fine Art and Music that supports emerging artists in the critical transition to professional life. GAC and SOFAM are grateful for project support from the RBC Emerging Artists Project, which helps artists bridge the gap from emerging to established.

Applications for the sixth round of the project, which begins in September, are now being accepted. Guelph visual and media artists, musicians, and cultural managers are encouraged to apply as mentors or emerging artists. Established artists may apply online as mentors, and emerging artists may apply online to be mentored. Project details are included in the online application forms. The deadline for mentor and emerging artist applications is Sunday, September 22.

In the five previous rounds of the project, 42 emerging musicians, visual artists, and cultural managers were paired with Guelph artist mentors. In each round, the emerging artists’ experience culminates in a group exhibition of their work that they plan, promote, and install with support from their mentors.

For more information about the Guelph Emerging Artist Mentorship Project, visit or call Guelph Arts Council at 519-836-3280.

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