The Eden Mills Writers Festival In Your Own Backyard: Online Event Series

EMWF GAC Image Small

By Melissa McGrath, Festival Manager

Not long ago, it would have been impossible to imagine offering an online festival in lieu of our beloved annual gathering in Eden Mills. And yet, here we are, and we’re thrilled with the result. The EMWF, reimagined as an online event series, runs until October. The series will showcase more than sixty writers as part of twenty-one events, including book clubs, panel discussions and presentations for children.

We made the decision to move to online programming at the end of March, wanting to be proactive in our planning. We wanted to ensure that we’d able to provide our audience with the same quality of literary programming they had come to expect, and that we’d be able to provide Canadian writers with opportunities to promote new releases. And there are so many wonderful new releases! We knew we couldn’t miss out on sharing them.

Local authors featured at the Eden Mills Writers’ Festival include (clockwise from top left) Madhur Anand, Mike Chaulk, Anna Cox (photo by Joanna Degeneres) and Clifford Jackman (photo by Antoine Tanguay).

In a normal year, our events are ticketed, but this year, they’re entirely free. We know that this is a challenging time for many people, and we want to ensure we are working to reduce barriers to participation as much as possible. Another way we’re increasing access to our programming is by providing closed captioning for adult events and ASL interpretation for children’s programming. Already we’re hearing about the positive impact of this increased accessibility, and this will no doubt inform our work in future.

Eden Mills holds a lot of magic for the booklovers who regularly attend the festival. Though we’re unable to gather together in the backyards of Eden Mills, we hope you’ll join us from your own “backyard”, and discover that same magic in the innovative ways we’ve found to connect at this particular moment in time.

To find details and registration for upcoming events, visit our website.

More detailed information can also be found using the following links:

List of 2020 Authors

Event Listings for Adults

Event Listings for Children

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