By Madeleine Avery, GAC Experiential Learning Student
Calling all print lovers! The University of Guelph School of Fine Art and Music’s print students are putting on not one but two exhibitions this February and March at the Boarding House Gallery downtown.
The first annual UoG Juried Print Show will be making its debut February 28 and will run until March 5. Open every day 11 am to5 pm, this exhibition will showcase the talents of 30 University of Guelph printmaking students. There will be a variety of works to experience, ranging from screen print to intaglio and more! If that isn’t awesome enough for you, the final Print IV students have their student-run show from March 28 to April 2. This exhibition will showcase the Print IV students’ semester-long projects combined with skills learned over multiple print classes to create a final exhibition.
The School of Fine Art and Music is known for amazing printmaking facilities that offer students opportunities to diversify their practice and hone new skills. These two exhibitions are a rare opportunity for the Guelph arts community to support new talent!