Art Gallery of Guelph
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The Art Gallery of Guelph (AGG) is one of Canada’s premier public art spaces, engaging audiences with innovative artists and ideas from around the world. Through a rigorous and collaborative artistic program that positions visual culture in an ever-changing cultural landscape, the gallery supports social exchange and shapes public discourse. Located in one of Canada’s most innovation-rich and socially-engaged urban environments, the AGG offers compelling artistic encounters and contributes to a thriving national artistic climate through global connections that foster and proliferate creative innovation.
Established in 1978 as the former Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, the AGG operates today with three sponsors – the University of Guelph, City of Guelph and the Upper Grand District School Board – informing the blended artistic, civic and educational impulses at the heart of the AGG’s mission and vision. Committed to shaping contemporary art histories, the AGG is recognized internationally for its collection of over 10,000 Canadian and international works. Extending the social space of the gallery beyond its walls, the AGG’s Sculpture Park is the most comprehensive contemporary outdoor art collection at a public gallery in Canada, with permanent installations by regional, national, and international artists.