
Guelph Musicfest 2024

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521 Kortright Rd W
Guelph, ON N1G 3R5


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Guelph Musicfest has been presenting an annual concert series in the Recital Hall of the Guelph Youth Music Centre since 2007. Today, there is a 5-concert series on consecutive Friday evenings beginning in late May, as well as an Encore concert in mid-November. There are international-class chamber music concerts, solo recitals by pianists and string artists, as well as more popular Classical shows such as Quartetto Gelato and the Jerzy Kaplanek Jazz Quartet. During the pandemic seasons, Guelph Musicfest was one of the first presenters to go hybrid (in-person concerts that were also streamed over the internet) and didn't cancel any concerts. Today, live concerts are still paired with streamed video replays (offered at a modest price and given free to in-person concert patrons). Guelph Musicfest was founded by pianist Ken Gee who still organizes everything by himself with the help of volunteers and supported by private donations.

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