ON BEING CREATIVE: A Public Series on Creative Expression

Everyone has a creative side. It’s part of what makes us each whole and complete.

That’s the core idea behind a new public series sponsored by the Guelph Arts Council. Guelph writer and filmmaker, Peter Szabo, designed the series to help people discover and explore their unique creative expression by interacting with other creators.

At each public event, attendees will learn about different approaches to expressing creativity from a featured creator who will briefly demonstrate their craft and share their creative process. Attendees can then explore their own means of creative expression and find support and resources through informal discussion with other attendees.

There’s no definition of what makes up a creative or artistic medium so events could feature creators of fine art, photography, writing, textiles, fashion, fibre arts, or gardening, woodworking, cooking, and beer making—any practice that involves the right side of the brain and brings joy, flow, and fulfillment to the creator.

Events will be videotaped by supporting partner Ed Video Media Arts Centre and shared for online public viewing.

Creative expressions can help each of us live a full life. Whether you’ve found your chosen creative medium, have been shy about trying oneor have no clue how you want to express yourself, this event is for you. Come get inspired and supported in discovering or developing your creative side.

WHEN: July 19 – 7:00 pm

WHERE: artBar (above Miijidaa), 37 Quebec St, Guelph, ON N1H 2T1

GUEST CREATOR: Much-beloved Guelph songwriter and novelist James Gordon.

COST: By donation

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